Infectious waste and sharps are generally segregated in healthcare facilities by colour code. They are normally yellow bags and yellow bins in most countries. Evacle system consists of machine and sterilization which can treat up to 80 liters in 18 minutes. The liquid phase is discharged into the drain. This method is validated so there will be a control on infection pollution control.
The solid phase which is shredded will be 80% less in volume for disposal into regular municipal waste centers. This method significantly reduces the cost from existing system due to the hauling cost reduction, clean for handling and no smell.

Shredding with 80% volume reduction


Send to the regular municipality waste
Evacle 80 Typical Treated Waste Volume per Machine(s) according to Number of Beds
Evacle 80
Greater Productivity, Simple to Use & Cost Effective

Evacetic – How does it work?
As part of our solution, once the waste has been shredded, it goes through a sterilization process simultaneously while being rigorously agitated. Intense studies show that this enables elimination of resistant bacterial spores and sterilization to STAATT level IV, thus making the nontoxic residue liquid to be safe enough to be discharged down the regular drainage system.

We call it ‘Evacetic’ – which is based on the known powerful sporocide Peracetic Acid (PAA).
Important: Evacetic is only to be used in conjunction with Evacle machinery